What Should Foreigners Do If They Lose Their Passport in China?

Recently, we have received feedback from foreign clients asking how to proceed if their passport is lost. 

If this happens to you or a friend, you can follow the steps below to apply for a new passport.

1: Report to the Police

You must carry a photocopy of your ID/passport, a photocopy of your visa to the police station near the place where you lost your passport or the police station in your usual residence to report the loss, and get a receipt for the report

2: Report to the Immigration

Bring three 2-inch passport photos and proof of identity documents (such as passport scans/copies, national ID cards, driver's licenses, student IDs, etc.) to the exit and entry office within your jurisdiction to report the loss. 

You will receive a "Foreign Passport Loss Certificate" , and it valid for 30 days, which is recognized by airports, railways, hotels, and other departments.

3: Apply for a New Passport

Take the "Foreign  Passport Loss Certificate" to your country's embassy or consulate in China to apply for a new passport.

4: Update Passport Information

Within 30 days from the date of issuance of the passport loss certificate, you must obtain a new passport, and then use the new passport to complete the temporary residence registration for foreigners.

5: Apply a Visa

Bring the relevant documents to the Entry-Exit Administration of the Public Security Bureau to complete the corresponding visa procedures.


Anyone who fails to obtain a new passport within 30 days (excluding 30 days) will be considered illegally staying in China and will be punished by the Chinese public security organs.

Source: SolutionsConsulting


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